This was supposed to be a normal colored sketch for the thing but, as many times before, I took it too far.
But I'm proud and hope I did her justice! :'>
Will try the other two tomorrow!

ENTI belongs to

8 28

There ya go!
The other two are made by
Sorry Lean, but my pen got weird at the end, so sorry if your BF.exe looks a bit weird

7 18

"Exe" de undertale que criei pq sim

0 4

Aight going's to bed early so uh have fun

7 35

Aight heading to bed but I got funny idea

Send me them exes, I might draw some of them as their "False Future" version

25 179

Demonic Determination Boyfriend?! (just for fun)
We need more fun BF designs in mods frfr

23 75

Well well. I realized I forgot to make a prompt for this week. But enough about that. How about this weeks prompt?

Make an exe based on Antasma from Mario and Luigi's dream team. Surely this will produce some nightmarish results!

0 6

Incoming Transmission.
3 new EXE's have been added to the wiki:


7 14

“You ever wish your time of life can just be rewinded back. Rewinded back to a time that was much simpler?”

Finally, A official Ref sheet has been made for the lone Wanderer that only goes by


(Art done by )

18 45

Well.. I don't know if I showed this little boi
but here he is 👉👈

2 13

3rd times the charm.
I coloured the Wagoba


12 65

Somewhere back in the past, after her eye got torn out…

D3!G: “Prank her, ENTI”
ENTI: “You already know”

7 37

“An invitation from another reality huh? Well, might just take it for myself then, you come with me too, Sachiko…”

Well ain’t no secret but the Mother and Daughter of the Kamiya’s joins ! (ENTI is NPC for this lol)

12 50

A small update. Added some more exes in here. Will continue soon.

20 96