
12 28

havent drawn these 2 in a bit, so I thought it'd be nice to come back to em!! (plus ive been inactive for a bit and i really need stuff to post💀)

92 421

When art block ingulfs you whole, you make this... Idk why but i really wish i could legitimately draw these characters in this style plus I'm enjoying myself some annieeeee

Lets mod shall we

13 56

Ooo more Shae art ✨✨
Starring new BF, GF, and Pico designs

Meet Girlix, Pyrocity, and Boylon

5 36

So remember that 1 thumbnail of a buff Boyfriend rapping against a recolored Terraformar?

For whatever reason, that gave me the idea to actually draw a buff version of Boyfriend (also drew a taller version of Girlfriend for fun).

0 1

I like the designs they are silly and funni! Sen and Bf by

26 108

Got bored one day and drew these guys in my “Daniel comic’s” style
[im possibly making a wiki about the Daniel comics and explain its lore-]

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