ว่าจะไม่เล่น แต่ก็เล่นแหละ 555


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my ~ I used to lose my mind over homestuck 8))) lived through mega-hiatustuck and everything <:3c Special appearance of Missy my pup! I'm actually pretty proud of her lol, thats her most favorite christmas toy in the whole world

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A primeira homenageada é do nosso querido .

Felizmente foram muitas sugestões de personagens brasileiros para fazer a nova leva de Amanhã tem mais!

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Wip of as part of my 6 fanart challenge. Hope to finish it tomorrow evening :3

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finally finished a trend on time kdsjdksj 😭 hope it lives up to your expectations

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I was thinking to make another posts when all requests are done, but it's gonna take a while and don't want to keep you waiting forever.
So, here's request Aegis from
People's favourite toaster.

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Mis . ¡Ha sido divertido! Gracias a todos los que me sugerísteis personajes. ¡Espero que os guste!

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