So I finally caved and made a Twitter. I thought I would start it off with one of my first digital paintings of some darwinopterus in cypress trees

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I'm Tabbatha, an Asian American who graduated with a paleontology degree and draws as a side hobby <3

1 1

Character we’ll meet eventually in Wing Time. Just won’t say when.

All you need to know for now is she’s a paleontologist and she works at the Rockford museum. ;)

2 4

Amazing description and figuration for Macrocollum itaquii in "Craniomandibular osteology of Macrocollum itaquii (#Dinosauria: from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil" by Müller et al. 2019.

18 54

Welcome to Gnathovorax cabreirai, new dinosaur from the Triassic of . New information about the origin and the initial radiation of predatory dinosaurs! Seem to be a great paper!

21 65

"Paleontology can satisfy the most enthusiastic lover of the marvelous." -Gideon Mantell. I couldn't agree more. Remembering the Iguanodon-describer

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día 9 Yutyrannus. Un pariente del Tyrannosaurus Rex totalmente cubierto de plumas, un gran hallazgo en el mundo de la paleontología

3 4

Next year...
June 16, 2020
"Dinosaur Facts and Figures: The Sauropods and Other Sauropodomorphs"
EoFauna | Scientific Publications

33 119

The joke paleontologists haven't seen yet.

Crowley and Aziraphale get a lot of mileage out of this still...

131 699

First up, Vespersaurus. A noasaurid theropod where the third digit is the sole (lol) weight-bearing digit.

0 16

The Cryolophosaurus was a species of dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic period in the Antarctic region. Great example of by

Let me know what you think!

All images are copyright protected.

15 31

Conoce a Kwanasaurus, un pequeño y temprano pariente de los dinosaurios via

1 2

Mammals recoved faster than expected after KPG ! See details in this interesting work: "Exceptional continental record of biotic recovery after the Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction" -

6 18

All of these great paleontology-themed jack-o-lanterns reminded me of this Microraptor pumpkin I carved for Halloween in 2012. Wish I’d gotten a better photo.

5 42

My internship with the Alf Museum of Paleontology yielded so many incredible opportunities and experiences, not to mention some new art! Very proud to have the Velociraptor on display

13 58

Study: Asteroid Impact, Not Volcanism, was Key in Driving End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction

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Leornado da Vinci was good at drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, paleontology, and cartography despite no formal academic training. He's widely talented.

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Subject of my next scene: one of my favorite Cenozoic mammals, the Late Eocene brontotheriid Embolotherium. Wasn't planning on this color scheme, but I kinda love it

40 176

During our meeting, the faculty briefly discussed speculative evolution & mentioned the speculative evolutionary routes that and other animals would have underwent as seen in the illustrations by Dougal Dixon.

18 50