El pla de tancament de les centrals nuclears a l'Estat espanyol no preveu com desfer-se de milers de tones de residus que suposen un perill per a futures generacions. Reportatge de il·lustració portada

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interdimensional, radioactive gods, please interact

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Some of my best art!
Furaffinity is RadioactiveWolfBD
Facebook page is SadisticJackal Art

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Top- Radioactive- $4 OPEN
Bottom- Talisman $3 OPEN

Lineart: https://t.co/VstHVsJhcc

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is that radioactiveman that i see?! ^^

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My SO & I were playing with some stuffed animals and accidentallied a whole comic universe. The Bread Bros Adventures! With Professor Corgs and Doctor Shibs of Cornbread University. They were just ordinary doggos when they ate a radioactive weed cookie and got baked...into bread

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"Radioactive in your crown of lead
Deep underneath the pillars of this bed...
This town has a hold of us
The claws are tearing at my skin."
16: Skulls

's Chloe is the model. Shades of Persephone.

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🇺🇸 # 2 - Gasfartman
Son of a famous american wrestler that, after taking an unknown medicine, got radioactive gas powers

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Radia the Radioactive Witch

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New radioactive Halloween icon! Thank you so much !

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Radioactive Phoenixes - Americium. This element is found widely in smoke detectors...and this phoenix will wake you up from a dead sleep to warn you that there's "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!"

Acrylic on board, 8X10 inches.

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Double 666, 667 - Blackmorning and Gojaflames. The Number of the Beast has been weaponized into the dark fallen trident. And a mask that can let you breathe out a beam of radioactive breath

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The first in my Radioactive Phoenixes series: Radium. This phoenix stands above a pile of cracked teeth and broken jaws - a common ailment of glowing-watch-dial painters who shaped Radium-laced brushes in their mouths.

Acrylic, 14X18

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Say hello to my 'Radioactive Zombie Dragon' for the series started by
Never created anything dead or zombie-like in my creative life so this was certainly a way-out-there challenge for me...


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(Veja os detalhes: https://t.co/1zWkGuXYPC)

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