# 23 - Saltarojo
After losing his legs in an accident trying to be a hero, an inventor decided to help him become a vigilante.

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# 22 - Masato
Son of a nobleman from sixteenth-century Japan who awoke in the contemporary era and tries to adapt to it. He carries with him the legendary sword Juuchi Yosamu.

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# 20 - Diabora
Being a half-demon, she has superhuman abilities, such as sucking off the vital energy and copying the skills of her victims.

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# 18 - JayVee
Little-Arm Boy's younger brother. As he wasn't born with a monobrow, he can't turn into SuperSkirtJeans, but he gets much stronger when angry.

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# 17 - Kataa
A monk from a disrant temple who uses his nasal mucus in combat.

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# 16 - Herith
A youngster that, with his magical pencil, can create objects from his drawings.

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# 15 - Aurora
An agile and skillful ice skater who uses as blades in her boots an artifact that has elemental ice power.

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# 14 - Xander
After eating a strange fruit when young, he gained the power to stretch his chin like rubber to medium and long distances.

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# 13 - Saporé
A warrior from another world who uses elemental stones on his sword and on his shield.

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# 12 - Cleiton Rocha
He uses his smoke manipulation powers to steal from the rich and distribute the stolen goods at needy communities.

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# 10 - Belomonte
Descendant of a Portuguese family known for hunting vampires. He is also a model and loves working out.

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# 9 - Holi
Using her color manipulation powers, she can alter the strengths and weaknesses of her opponents.

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# 8 - Little-Arm Boy
Descendant of a traditional and hidden clan of monks who, through their monobrows, can gather the power of their entire lineage and become SuperSkirtJeans.

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# 6 - Puddinvsky
A russian wrestling champion who is obscessed with puddings and uses as a belt a device that makes instant pudding

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# 5 - Human Manure
An alien capable of stretching his limbs and expelling a pink substance similar to feces

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# 4 - Shawna "Black Jaguar" Johnson
American boxing champion. She has a family pendant that can give her the strength of a jaguar.

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# 3 - Brawny Adam
After being experimented on he became super strong but lost his memory and ability to talk, only remembers of his family and that he was a bricklayer

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🇺🇸 # 2 - Gasfartman
Son of a famous american wrestler that, after taking an unknown medicine, got radioactive gas powers

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