Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.


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Took me a while but I finally got DK's fur particles looking decent

now I have to decide what color/pattern his fur should be

which of these do (YOU) guys like ?

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🔥 Firefox setting the whole forest on fire. Recent Flame Painter photomanipulation by Ergen Art. Share your Flame Painter art with us! 🔥

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Particles of you fall from heaven and tickle my nose like a perpetual dream on a loop.

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Ver gundam y tomarme un shot cada vez que las minovsky particles estan too dense.

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particle alert for Sthn England and Wales by Monday as wind slows and turns easterly (bringing our pollution back and more from C Europe). Possibly in places by Tuesday. is reluctant to issue public warnings https://t.co/HCjXUTryfi

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Here's Convel's model so far! I've been pretty much spending most of my birthday working on his model lmao I need to add dark patches to his textures, add materials for his mouth and then I can start building a fur particle system!

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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.


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My artistic brand
☑️warrior medieval people
now it's your turn

3 5


Here's a quick and easy way to spice up your artwork!
Please let me know if this tutorial helped you 💕

RTs are appreciated as always!

7 13

Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.


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of the 5 artwork collection I released on Charged Particles () 1 is remaining! I’d love this one to sell, it’s my favorite of the collection and one of my favorite artworks to date. I’ll be charging it with 100 DAI as well!
P I N N A C L E / / 3ETH

15 50

It would be wise of us to practice being in active communication with the entire universe, because the universe is the creation of a living mind, of which we are a part, and thus in the sense of energy, particles, waves, frequency, and life - everything is alive!

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On a more positive and interesting note, I am aware of the mysterious particles briefly visible hovering above Tokyo-3, and I have a good idea of what they could be... Explanation requires multiple super-nerdy articles, though. Too many things to write about, as always.

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Fiona Apple Back in the Pulse ~
"All my particles disband and disperse
And I'll be back in the pulse"

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cw // little holes/ Trypophobia
“Fungal spores are microscopic biological particles that allow fungi to grow seeds in the plant world. A sort of magic I guess you can say.”

17 146

I'll merge all this to a new layer AGAIN, and start detailing. This step can easily become the longest step. Adding more wrinkles, adding tints, splashes of color, particles, and glow. Here is where you'll want to use the magic COLOR DODGE layer to make things really shine.

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closeup on mr ranboo because sparkly particles go brrrrrr

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