Turquoise waves rise up over Odysseus' raft as Poseidon, trident in hand, stirs a churning sea and conjures up black clouds.

"The Raft of Odysseus" (1929) by N C Wyeth (1882-1945). Oil on canvas; 48 x 38 in. (121.9 x 96.5 cm.).

26 103

Poseidon, animated version for perfect for the theme / maybe too late ^^'

16 182

🔱 I haven’t ever gotten a trident in , but I just think they’re neat!

25 261

An OC of mine wanted so bad to get a trident so I got her one

18 154

you dont remember who tridente rojo is , not cool bro

25 93

Mipha and Waterblight both uses Spear/Trident

Dark and Fireblight both use a Sword

3 27

my dnd npc named King Lear. His cane's enchanted to swap to a trident when necessary

0 2

ブルー・フィールド ~Finale~ / Trident / BLUE

0 1

Snake + Trident Mascot logo for
the goal was to make hidden S and W letters with in the mascot, and here I made the Eel snake in a shape of the letter S, and the trident itself represents the letter W.
any and all support is appreciated !🙏

14 104

oh no
seems like the devil misplaced her trident...
now, where could it be....?
I sure hope she finds it soon

3 18

George Perez Covers! That Trident Titans cover is unreal

16 82

更新:夢の合計256GB!G.SKILLのDDR4メモリ「Trident Z Royal/NEO」に32GB×8枚組、実売18万円以上 4枚組モデルもあり https://t.co/o3d1qtiPTv

30 31

Here's the winner of this week's poll! The Hero of Winds from from the and Controversial Opinion: Wind Waker was better than Also, anyone else hate those little Imp things with the tridents?

0 1