The DreamVentur book is the beginning of the

Filled with dreams from 300 to 1200 words that evolve to the

of the comics evolve to the

Something for everyone friendly with the journal book and

1 2

The DreamVentur book is the beginning of the

Filled with dreams from 300 to 1200 words that evolve to the

of the comics evolve to the

Something for everyone friendly with the journal book and too.

0 4

Yandere Best Friend's sequel finally out now on Patreon, but I wanted to take a moment to look at her art evolution. 💛💜

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DreamVentur book the beginning of the
Filled with dreams from 300 to 1200 words that evolve to the
of the stories evolve to the
For everyone friendly with the journal and

2 5

Rogue was easily best girl from X Men: Evolution. Here's some art of an adult version of her!

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DreamVentur book the beginning of the
Filled with dreams from 300 to 1200 words that evolve to the
of the stories evolve to the
Something for everyone friendly with the journal and

0 1

DreamVentur book the beginning of the
Filled with dreams from 300 to 1200 words that evolve to the
of the stories evolve to the
For everyone friendly with the journal and

0 0

DreamVentur book the beginning of the
Filled with dreams from 300 to 1200 words that evolve to the
of the stories evolve to the
Something for everyone friendly with the journal and

0 1

“Mega evolution!? More like... hyper evolution... hehe... I’m darn funny, ain’t I?”

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The DreamVentur book is the beginning of the

Filled with dreams from 300 to 1200 words that evolve to the

of the comics evolve to the

Something for everyone friendly with the journal book and too.

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Wait till you see it’s evolution. :)

And also,

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Evidently this year I'm channeling my inner 16 year old all over again and burying my spouse in gift art, hiding pride colors in everything, crying to song lyrics, and ready to start a revolution.

Doodle for my wife who makes cute noises and then goes "AAA!" when I draw these.

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Beta Rhyhorn:

When Rhyhorn was first created, its original design was a whole lot smoother -- it almost looks like it could've been Rhyhorn's pre-evolution.

1. Beta sprite recreation by
2. Beta sprite, release version sprite
3. Release version artwork

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ideas for farming and nature here from Sketching Weakly, including a Packaging Revolution..!

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... And then the Ver.20th v-pet introduced BlitzGreymon as another possible evolution. Though still not what I imagined as a kid, it almost feels like he was tailor-made to suit my tastes. Naturally, Blitz became one of my favourites - and my personal favourite Greymon Mega form.

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Wanted to design a fake Jynx evolution. I tried to replicate the sprite style from the DS era. But I'm kinda rusty on that front.

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Mega Evolution was really cool. I miss Mega Evolution.

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can yall believe the EVOLUTION...

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石田ヤマト(LAST EVOLUTION. ver)
Tightsuits of P2 refer to the shape of MetalGarurumon.

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