Hit: !!!
Goten: Got'em!
Nappa: Good now hold him!

Day 10 of Fusion Month (caused Fused Nappa is a thing)! And released a ep yesterday I went overboard so have Hit vs Fused Nappa & Goten! I would include Gohan but 3 characters was hard enough xDD


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Rhil, the owner of the Inn, crafts the best beers in the region, hard headed and mother of 20+ forgoten childrens (intentionally)

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How would YOU rank the 4 Saiyan fusions based off of your personal preference?

I’m personally gonna go with

1. Gogeta
2. Vegetto
3. Kefla
4. Gotenks

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The original family consists of Son his wife Chi-Chi, and his two sons, and This precious slice of life moment sees the family gathered on Master Roshi's island home, in front of the

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[dbz] I really loved Trunks and Goten's friendship as a kid! Seeing them drift apart in GT made me sad... I wonder if Trunks missed him, out there in space?

518 2004

Today shall be a double feature, so first off we have Truten! A fusion between Goten, and Trunks and like before 2 versions cause I like blue hair trunks xD
The outfit i used for Goten is of course the one I made for =D

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Toyotarô dessine Ikôse et Idâsa ce mois-ci pour le site officiel Dragon Ball. Rappelez-vous, ils affrontaient Goten et Trunks lors du 25e Tenkaichi Budôkai !

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Goten (13) and Trunks (14) https://t.co/oWs5Q3hXX7

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it's Mother's Day here in Poland today!! so here's a little throwback to the drawing i made a year ago, featuring Gohan, Chichi and Goten <:

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The kids of my merger "DragonBall+Popeye: World Breakers" hit it off in no time whatsoever. Trunks, Goten and Swee Pea find a perfect alignment as young warriors following in the shadows of their incredibly powerful fathers. Read more: https://t.co/xVM3L8YMJ2

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Ha il via la seconda parte della Gohan, Goku and Goten Day Campaign 2020, con nuove Missioni e lo speciale Summon Pack per la carta Leggendaria di Goku (Segni) dell'Ultra Istinto!

🔗 https://t.co/U9zAsKDuvt

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SS3 Gotenks vs Super Boo

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