画質 高画質


32 128

me trying to visualize passion:
so here’s host lucy and tantan 😁

305 1405

サタンは上手く出来たけどアスモちゃんはリベンジだな:( ;´꒳`;)

0 7

a baby satan that wakes up looking for his big bro but couldn't find him

11 29

I made the meme out of it (ΦωΦ)ふふふ

Sorry I can't understand JP well, but at least I am a bilingual piece of trash.

15 59

かぷりっちょ!  (⚠🐑羊MCいます)(再上げ)

462 1753

I drew Lucifer and Satan in maid outfit... and Simeon in a dress too 🤭

24 94

finally made an account to scream about obey me! mrhrhr \( ͡° ω ͡°)/ please accept satan as my offering 🤲

111 498

Chibi Satan with his stuffed little fellow.

1 8


37 117