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Some sketches about mk1 goro…
I can't stop laughing when watching the gameplay video, especially hearing Raiden and Liukang's screaming…😂
I gonna draw something 🤣

8 61


7 20

"First they're engaged and now he's going to be a dad? Time is going too fast!"

3 12

is obviously not focusing on learning…
I saw sketches about 19-year-old on GamePro
So I also made a version of mine~😄

15 99

está bien chichón, me va a sacar un ojo🥵🥵

22 123

1枚目 20210730
2枚目 2003
3枚目 2003

5 36

Request ②
Average chibi enjoyer👻

21 94

モータルコンバットはいいぞーーー!!!真田広之氏や浅野忠信氏をはじめアジア系俳優の大活躍や殺陣のカッコよさはもちろん、闘う女がめちゃめちゃかっこいいので観てくれ、みんなソニアブレイドの夢女になるから まあもう上映終わってるんですけど 日本版配信お願いします

2 9

I love both versions of Mileena's mouth, so I kinda headcanon them as stages of her teeth growing?
In any case, have this quick concept ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

28 148

"All realms will tremble before me! Outworld will again be conquerors, never the conquered!"

4 14

I guess I could do a quick repost to hold over this

5 25

💥 I want to share with you some versions of Johnny Cage I made thru the years.

36 167