Here's the end result of 2 out of 3 of the versions I've done of "Daisy taking 1st place"! The last (Lewd version) will be posted on my Patreon and will be awarded to NEW patrons for $2/mo!

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Whooo I got chosen for the Beta! I will be putting together a video after Wednesday when the beta is open to go over my impressions.

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I finally finished a drawing with Kirby in a Racing Kart! Fusing both my favourite Kirby main for Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 <3 Special thanks to ThePhoenixWylde on Discord for the suggestion!

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Ludwig the making his appearance in Mariokart, for ,

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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is now two years old today! Wow, I remember when it first came out.

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The big baddies in Mario Kart lol, this piece looks really retro and snazzy I love it

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My sister and I get a little competitive when we play mariokart ^-^
(I win most of the time)
I actually really like the sketchy style 💚💚💚

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Why would they pick the guy from the racing game for ?

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The SNES MarioKart featured a more classic DK. Before the Donkey Kong Country character rebranding.

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Idag har jag suttit och gått igenom min bokföring med Mark. Han är utbildad men också min brorsa så vi spelar mariokart-musik i bakgrunden, kommunicerar med bitmojis och är trötta men glada.

Hälften klart idag. Fortsätter en dag snart.

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Been playing some Mario Kart recently! This is the second version of this drawing, my gracious computer decided to let me have this one.

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In this song Pauline sings "Together we're racing for the goal!" Could this be a hint for her possible inclusion in a future Mario Kart title?

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