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Qué pena, ha fallecido Neal Adams.
Lo conocí en un Salón del Cómic de Barcelona y… bueno.
Un grande. Muy grande. Gracias por todo, Maestro.

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When I was a kid I never had many toys to play with, so I would trace characters from comic books on to cardboard and recreate the art there, cut them out and play with them or make shoe box dioramas... I'll never forget when I used the art from this... RIP Neal Adams 💔😩🌹

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RIP the GOAT Neal Adams. Designer of the cleverest and coolest superhero costume / powers of all-time for Havok. Publisher and producer of the brilliant Bucky O'Hare. Defender of creator rights and outspoken critic of predatory practices in comics.

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RIP Neal Adams. Absolute legend. One of my favorite artists from the XX century

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Rest easy and in peace, Thank you for the stories, the drive and so much more.

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We are very saddened by the passing of Neal Adams. He was one of the good ones and will remain one of the greats. A titan in every aspect. The joy of owning his Art comes only second to the glimmers of knowledge he bestowed on us in various conversations as "convention neighbors"

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Legendary comic book artist Neal Adams passed away at 80. He’s the man that redefined Batman in the 70s, however he also created the eldritch horror that is the Flonase Bee commercials that still haunt my nightmares.

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La légende Neal Adams s'est éteinte, mais il vivra dans nos esprits grâce aux nombreuses œuvres qu'il nous laisse...

Adieu l'artiste !

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No other artist save Jack Kirby made such a lasting impact on the comic book industry. Three of Neal's greatest covers.

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Shocked to hear of the death of legend Neal Adams at age 80. Credited with some of the most widely known images of comics history, I don’t know of many people in the industry today that we’re not influenced by his art.

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Adiós a un titán de la historieta. Neal Adams, el del combate del siglo entre Superman y Ali, el de Los Vengadores en plena guerra Kree-Skrull (y su jodida Patrulla X también). Ese trazo limpio, inconfundible de Adams era el clasicismo pop que revolucionó el medio.

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RIP Neal Adams. One of the greatest comic book creators AND advocates for creator rights. He was quite a character too...read any interview with him, and you will be entertained. I'm grateful I got to meet him. Time to reread Batman: Odyssey in his honor.

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RIP Neal Adams - the definitive artist of my youth.

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Neil Adams sure did draw some pretty cool-looking monsters!

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Une légende des s'en est allée aujourd'hui : MONSIEUR Neal Adams est décédé à l'âge de 80 ans.

Il a révolutionné l'industrie et les personnages de Batman et Green Arrow et a laissé son empreinte sur les Avengers et les X-Men.

Vive Neal Adams !

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