Unfortunate, to hear about the passing Of Can't say I was a fan of the "person" himself but His artistic skill was masterful and What he did for the comics industry cannot be denied.

2 10

RIP Master You were a living legend and now you're an immortal artist. Truly sad for this notice. My condolescenses to his loved ones and his fans all around the World.

12 60

Rest easy and in peace, Thank you for the stories, the drive and so much more.

5 55

Hace 49 años se publicó con la historia "Snowbirds Don't Fly", en la que se reveló a alias como drogadicto.
Guion de y arte de

5 18

Friendly advice, check out ’s gorgeous homage pieces in this week’s written by the great . Stunning work celebrating industry legends such as and 🔥

1 2