Things are beginning to brew 👨‍🏭What could this mean for Stay tuned, Folks! 📻#indiedev

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😈"Although you win, I wait below to snare you in the undertoe, Meatstachio!" -The Dark Lord Steriatipe

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And by what title shall I be addressed; Tzaress, Queen, Empress? No. They will call me King. -The Purple King

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Hard to believe that has only been out on mobile devices for one week. So much has happened in that time! ⏲️

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All four of our new icons put together look like the cover for the new album 🔁

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🎮🎨We made new Icons of The Four Lords! Feel free to give em' a whirl! 📲 

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Help us get the word out on for mobile! want's to keep making games! unite!

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Time is just zipping by! ⏲️Can't wait to play on my phone! 4/25/17

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