[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 89
Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga creator is back with another story!

Poor Fuuka! It seems the New Year's fresh start didn't help her neuroses much.

1362 5048

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 88
The latest 4-panel manga is brought to you by !

Haruna has such a big personality that it's impossible for her scenes NOT to be dynamic! (Good thing it wasn't a bomb...)

1347 5118

It's literally a Game Over for Utaho ‼️

Utaho Kurami from ¡Houkago Re-Tensei! [Manga]

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27年前の1996年6月17日、井上雄彦の漫画『SLAM DUNK』が『週刊少年ジャンプ』で連載終了。1990年から約5年8カ月の間に全276話が描かれ、『ジャンプ』歴代最高部数653万部を記録した1995年3&4号では巻頭オールカラーを飾り、最終回は『ジャンプ』史上初めて最終回作品での単独表紙を実現した。

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Comment faire pour mourir lorsque l'on est immortel ? Après avoir erré trop longtemps dans leur monde en ruines, Meteor et Youth aimeraient trouver un moyen d'en finir !

Imomushi Narita revient au catalogue Ototo avec Killing Me / Killing You le 7 juillet ! ✨

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[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 84
Check out Blue Archive's latest official 4-panel manga brought to you by !

Don't worry, Sensei, Shigure has a special drink ready for you too!

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[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 82
The latest 4-panel manga brought to life by

Aris boosted her Appeal stat with a new skin! All she needs now is a manicure and she'll get a set bonus!

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[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 81
The latest 4-panel manga brought to life by !

"When that last leaf falls, it will by my final..."

2089 7478

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 80
The latest 4-panel manga brought to life by !

Looks like the competitive fire of the Kivotos Halo Festival hasn't been put out yet. 🔥

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[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 78
The latest 4-panel manga brought to life by

Koharu's always had an...active imagination, and these shadows aren't helping!

2219 8122


Une maison d'édition spécialisée dans le manga made in France fait son apparition, il s'agit de Nouvelle Hydre !

Elle dévoile directement 3 titres qui sortiront en juin : Skilledfast, Bravest Journey et Enfant des abysses !

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Le manga de MMA Red Blue d'Atsushi Namikiri (auteur de Switch) sortira en France prochainement !

Il est édité par !

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[Manga] Resumen de la presentación de en . La editorial apuesta por continuar ampliando su línea Science Manga con más X-Venture

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[Manga] Resumen de la presentación de en . La editorial ha anunciado varios títulos, pertenecientes a varias demografías. No obstante, la sorpresa la ha dado con el anuncio de El viaje de Shuna

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[Manga] Resumen de la presentación de en . La editorial ha soltado el primer bombazo del evento con la licencia de CHIHAYAFURU

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[Story Manga] Magic Story [Ixalan] is now available as a manga! The perfect way to read Magic Story easily! (link to original source)

–Tune in tomorrow at noon for the next batch of translation 💙 https://t.co/SYnOFw1sMc

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[Manga] Lanzamientos de para el próximo jueves 30 de marzo de 2023.

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[Manga] recupera el manga Real de Takehiko Inoue en una nueva edición que comenzará a publicar el próximo 30 de marzo.

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[Manga] TOC de la Weekly Shônen Jump 2023. La revista trae en portada a para celebrar su segundo aniversario y el anuncio de su adaptación animada

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