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If you have been involved in ANY way in this mainstream "Marxist" movement, then you will want to sit this round of out.

You're not a freedom fighter, on the contrary, you'd rather import Xi's central policy here. Hong Kong hates you.

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China has passed a controversial security law giving it new powers over Hong Kong, deepening fears for the city's freedoms. Today's cartoon by : https://t.co/iTtoZQiLWZ

9 13

Thanks Sarah. Hk is now police state. And this evil and dictatorial law, and CCP are destroying freedom, human right, economic and 1 country 2 systems of Hong Kong. However, We will not give up.

10 10

Il ne reste que 72 jours avant l’élection législative à Les pro-démocraties visent à recueillir plus de 35 sièges pour empêcher les pro-Pékin de contrôler le parlement.

Voici un survol des partis politiques en lice pour ce scrutin.

Source: Page de Facebook Labourball

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