Thanks Sen Cruz. Yes despite we protested for over 1 yr, & HKSAR govt decide to “resolve” social unrest by repressing us via We know we dun battle alone & glad world cares abt us. We’ll continue to fight till the end. Pls continue to

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Thanks Sarah. Hk is now police state. And this evil and dictatorial law, and CCP are destroying freedom, human right, economic and 1 country 2 systems of Hong Kong. However, We will not give up.

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Thanks Natalie. This evil and dictatorial law, and CCP are destroying freedom, human right, economic and 1 country 2 systems of Hong Kong. However, We will not give up.

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To the world: this is the type of "national security" matter they wanna eradicate by enacting a draconian law.

"When tyranny exists, revolution is our duty".

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Thanks so much Mr Rogers and Lord Alton for your staunch. can’t stop us and we won’t surrender.

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