Future 1st full scale project, magical girl shmup! Can't wait.

19 79

Gradius +2DMFGH - Konami bullet hell SHMUP blasts onto the C64 https://t.co/aN3s1rAMgG

18 19

I wonder what happens when you give the Space Corps a blank check...

4 20

Xydonia: A Retro-Inspired SHMUP Shooting for Greatness, https://t.co/3li0ZKfbnI

14 15

"これは、90年代日本のアーケードゲームへのラブ・レターだ" 『Xydonia - Action-packed Japanese-inspired retro SHMUP』 https://t.co/sq3IQPF7ra

12 15

Xydonia, um jogo que promete fazer a alegria dos fãs de Shmups https://t.co/HMcxgIy4kp

3 6

https://t.co/a3yKy4ugUQ The Steam Summer Sale is here. Time for awesome Degica Games deals + scoring contests

18 17

グラディウス風味にアレンジしたツインビーに登場するライバル機、シューティングスター。 https://t.co/WUAB6fax3j  

35 33

https://t.co/CXzUYDF2N2 The RefRain Visual Book launches 6/9. 144 pgs of concept art, illustrations & more!

12 14

Arm’s installation is complete Good luck.
Axelay by v_tarrow_aniue https://t.co/C66q8OaR3F  

45 49

this is looking good!
again, props for the programmer

7 6

それはダライアス外伝とグラディウスからチタンランスとコアのように見えるん :)

9 7

Two pilots from out of their ships. A tribute to both and

11 16

to make something new but familiar is always hard

3 4