And here's the palettes of the 2nd boss of Firelancer, aka Regulator.

The 4th palette is an adaptation of the DDP stage 1 boss palette.

33 161

Clouds for the current ending sequence (different colours for different modes) of

11 100

Backgrounds for the loketest version of

The water one will get a bit more love probably. Still have to refine the first stage (not shown here)

37 204

Got damage gfx for Boss C in done yesterday. Still quite a bit of work to be done before Stunfest, but it is coming along.

20 173

WIP part of stage B for
Still very rough and unoptimised (tile limits) in places, but a decent start, I think.

34 289

Title art for all 4 playable ships of as well as tests for alternative palettes for different game modes.

25 95

Did tweaks to the logo regarding perspective and "Fire Cancer" issue.

12 41

Dropship MK2. A few more colours, felt warranted since it is such a big object.

10 31

And one more, just a quick test. In game it will be a bit more flashy locking.

12 59