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day 10: Rainbow Dash & Applejack🌈🍎

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Rainbow Dash: Let’s see what your face looks like with a black eye!

Applejack: Whoa, Rainbow, just be cool!

Fluttershy: I’ll have a little talk with him, just leave it to me.

Rainbow Dash: *sighs, calming down* Okay. (Darn, I never get to be the Bad Cop.)

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Applejack: You’re right, Pinkie. *to the camera* Somehow, she always is.

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you see this shit applejack

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DEATH BATTLE! Applejack VS Moses

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My drawing for ATG. (finally) Day 6:Draw a pony in over their head / Draw a pony biting off more than they can chew. And yes, I took this one literally but it was fun. I have to mention how much I love FlutterBat. Applejack did warn her.

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Looks like it's happened once more, I've become a zebra to adore! My friend Yael and I have become ponies, Applejack and Zecora to excite bronies!

Hope you enjoy this art, it was done by from the heart!

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Pony Life Lachlan: Yeah it is!

Pony Life Applejack: Wanna know somethin’ else that’s cute? When the six of us hang out together, sometimes we just lie down and think about you, little pup!

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Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on, Applejack, I don’t worry about Lachlan THAT much!

Lachlan: *pretends to be hurt* Ow!!

Rainbow Dash: *gasp* Lachlan, are you okay?!

Applejack: Yeah, sure ya don’t.

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Pony Life Applejack: Yeah, I wonder what they’ve all been up to since then.

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the 4 pillars to create the whore Jenny 🥵 4 pillars that define her as she is 🥴
the thicc applejack is invention of

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Looks it's everyone's favorite cheating piece of garbage named Applejerk , he's almost 100% would be homophobic

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Here comes my honesty-Applejack moment: I would love to have people commissionnig me just so I can help in my house in terms of money, maybe buy my sister the rollerskates that she wants for her birthday or maybe to see my boyfriend and save for my own stuff.

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today's second food-themed character of the day is applejack from my little pony: friendship is magic!
she's apple themed🍎

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