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Hi everyone! I'd like to show off a WIP sketch for picos new appearance/ sprites for done by the amazingly talented !

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I remember i had a cass binder headcanon so I'm bringing that back

21 137

I would like to show everyone my headcanon Damien design

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Haven't drawn her in a while

53 308

Ooo more Shae art ✨✨
Starring new BF, GF, and Pico designs

Meet Girlix, Pyrocity, and Boylon

5 36

pico but without gel ig?

quick thing before night night

17 149

I changed too many things so I'll redraw later maybe but yeah kazandra :]]

21 154

this is probably the meanest I drew them with each other

*the apples are not poisonous tho it probably taste like shit

11 149

wanted to doodle my oc r!Cassandra as a puppy girl BECAUSE I CAN 🐾🐶!! this took so long 😭

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