Surround yourself with those who encourage you to chase your dreams and believe in you

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On enjoy JJ Honegger's view from Cader Idris: "There was something mysteriously bewitching, something secret in this quiet work." Created w/ , supported by .

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It's World Lemur Day. Despite being the world's oldest living primates, 95% of the more than 100 species of lemur face possible extinction in the next few years. works to ensure the survival of these animals.

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The artist Kyffin Williams enjoyed painting the north Wales cost. Here’s one of his paintings depicting everyday life in his rural community.

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will be doing another BONUS EPISODE when we reach 4,500 Followers! We are now 4450+. When we get reach our target the topic of our will be C’mon Peeps Let’s Do This!

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We are recording an episode on 2005's Doom and we want to know what are your favorite and least favorite Video Game Movie Adapations?

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Nobody knew of the King's horse ears, except for his barber, who swore an oath not to tell anyone (thread 2/5)

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Keep your eyes peeled for a weird and wonderful new sight in city centre this weekend

Cadwch eich llygaid ar agor am olygfa newydd yng nghanol dinas dros y penwythnos

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Dylan decided to turn the three into seagulls so that they could spend the day with their father on land, and the night at sea with him. Img: 'Farmer and gulls at the coast' by Kyffin Williams (thread 6/7)

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Dylan was repentant once he saw how sad their father was, but it was too late to release them back to the land. They were the property of the sea now. Img: Llanbadrig' by Kyffin Williams (thread 5/7)

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😊 Redbubble Monday-Sale – 20% auf fast alles mit Code: VONABISZ → 15. Januar 2018 bis 23:59 Uhr

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Happy New Year everyone!

is coming real soon so stay tuned! We'll keep you posted for the latest updates!

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