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LR MUI Goku & LR SSBE Vegeta! #Dokkanbattle Reply with who you are more excited for! RT For Vegeta LIKE for Goku!
On remet dokkan en Top Tweet les gars ?
#TeamGoku VS #TeamVegeta
Let’s goooooooo faites peter les Hashtag !
My top two favourite artists to commission are @/_Kanbaki_ here on Twitter and @/rizkynk14 on fiverr! If you guys need some cute art I definitely recommend them!!
Yang udah gk lolos dari awal, dan sering dimisuhin Chef Kanbayashi Juna-/slap
Mana kalo dimarahin, cuma ketawa ketiwi gk jelas pula. Yg misuh makin emosi.
Ryuu: "Hihihihi, coba dulu~
Kalo mati, berarti sukses~~"
I might actually be able to beat you now.@kyr3.3⠀
#vegito #goku #vegeta #gogeta #dragonball #dragonballz #dbz #dragonballsuper #dbs #gohan #ssj #broly #anime #supersaiyan #trunks #dragonballgt #dbgt #frieza #db #dokkanbattle #gokublack #beerus #saiyan #zamasu #jiren #pi
10. Otonashi Saya (Blood+), Kanbaru Suruga (Monogatari series), Korra (Avatar: The Legend of Korra)
Wait everyone knows I like Chitoge but uh I got Chitoge, Tanaka, Kanbaru, and this dude Adlet.
Post four fictional characters that mean the world to you & tag 4 people to do the same. @ValillaSenpai @ai_eggs @tsunooki @redseibah https://t.co/Ytmh5XrpDe
EXTRA 2021 パン:ゼノ
Let's see what new stuffs BM7 will bring to the game.
#SDBH #スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ
#ドラゴンボールGT #DBGT #パン #DragonBallHeroes #dragonballgt #DokkanBattle
Given this morning's announcements, do you think it's possible a TUR for this SSJ2 Vegeta and an EZA for SSJ2 Cabba?
#SDBH BBM7 approche doucement mais surement, nous aurons enfin des infos sur ce personnage !
bien que je mise sur Shallot ou Mirai Gohan !
Pourquoi Shallot ? ça ferais un bon parallèle avec l'histoire des saiyans maléfique et du ssj god, sachant que Kanba est encore dans le game
Legendary Summon Is Now On!🌠
New SSR Jiren (Full Power) arrives!🔥🔥🔥
Don't miss out on the legendary power of the invincible warrior!⚡
[For more details, please kindly check out the in-game announcement.]
#dokkanbattle #dokkanbattleglobal #dokkan
#dragonball #dbz #dbs