
28 112

Kanbaru is not one of my favorite characters but I really like how she is presented
Suruga Kanbaru - Monogatari Series -

10 25

🔥🔥 Quote of the day 🔥🔥

Any time one isn&t familiar with something, it all looks the same.
Knowledge and education are required to properly judge a thing.

All https://t.co/YS0DWj8MuF

0 6

🔥🔥 Quote of the day 🔥🔥

Any time one isn&t familiar with something, it all looks the same.
Knowledge and education are required to properly judge a thing.

All https://t.co/YS0DWjqnTf

0 2

It should have been a sketch, but something went wrong.

0 5