claudia and soren are that kind of sons who do embarrasing stuff to say "i love you dad!"

173 867

Untuk pertama kalinya bikin gambar digital buat ultah mama ❤❤

Line pakek AI, warna pakek Photoshop. Pengerjaannya 6 jam :') sambil bolak-balik buka tutorial yg durasinya 30 menitan wkwk

Untung emak suka huhu

Setor ah sama

8 110

Days 21, 22, 23, and 24.
Breviceratops, Cerasinops, Eotriceratops, and Ceratops.

4 19

Magical Disappearing Bodysuit!

commissioned me to draw their cutie kitty babe Jule with both a clothed and nude version, so I wanted to try making one of those outfit erasing gifs for a bit of fun!

Wish clothes were this convenient to take off!

103 537

" the invicible and the unbeatable "
finally done after 12353232 procrasination , coming soon on CF12 at nantoka o/

11 31

A badge for kokoroazurasin2.0 of her character Kokoro, being cute!

character © kokoroazurasin2.0
artwork © 2018 Alex Cockburn

0 9

Who wore the small animal body better? John Krasinski in or Will Smith in ?

0 4

My son and I have a new game. He describes an animal without telling me what it is, and I have to draw it. No erasing. 😂

203 955

Digital doodle on the train: video edition - This is a 45 second time lapse proving I have no idea what I’m doing besides throwing down some colors and erasing and definjng with some inks and whites etc Mohawk Ororo in all her unfinished glory.... sideways of course ....

0 1

here's this half sweater, I need to figure out how to do the sketch separate from the ink cuz erasing really messes with the ink quality

28 215

I'm gonna try doing digital watercolour this for and also try to avoid erasing to keep in the spirit of permanent traditional ink.

0 8

You can have but only by erasing from the face of the internet📵.

🔁: Do it. BANJO!
❤️: Bowsette is life.

191 566

I qromised myself that I wasn't gonna qrocrasinate but look at me now

oh well I nailed the style I've always wanted I wish to deliver stuff like this consistently huhu

204 892

I keep erasing this but maybe if I don't it will become real one day lol. I had plans for a fanservice game for TKOT for its 5th anniversary(Which is not anymore) More likely a compensation for how poor the romance is for the rest of the boys. You can befriend Ecchin 2.

1 8

I like this sketch more. hehehe for rasins..

1 16