— transitioning to a dark lavender.


She yelled once more conjuring all the strength she had to break this mental barrier.

He was Darkseid.

But she was Jean Grey. The most powerful telepath in the world, and she wasn’t going to become his prey...

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I’m not a telepath, no.

—but I can do something else.

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It is finally done! The cover for Telepathy 4 Life! And it looks beautiful! <3

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So I'm really excited to provide a preview of a species ref that I am working with on! I am calling them the "Draknians" a telepathic race of reptilian anthros. Here is an example of one of their kiddos.

The species idea originally born of 's "Key" design

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Throwback...Friday. Naajut, ich war gestern halt nicht am Rechner. ;) Dieses Bild ist letztes Jahr im Mai entstanden und zeigt eine stuköpfige 14-Jährige mit telepathischen Fähigkeiten, die Geheimnisse von Schulbullies in ihrem Blog veröffentlicht. :D

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Each time I'm reading Mousou telepathy I always feel bad for Aya, because everyone make fun of her shark shirt :'(

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You should check out this manga series called "Mousou Telepathy" (妄想テレパシー)! It`s really great! It`s about a girl who has an ability to read other people`s minds. On the other hand, she founds out a popular cool looking boy with no emotions on his face was a pervert inside!

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Working on a char design for a BNHA Rp. He's got a Psychic quirk that lets him read minds and talk to people telepathically. He's also in his 40's but has a baby face.

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2. Hao (2016-17). One of the prisoners in the citadel where they develop super soldiers. He is a telepath and has obtained Rank A (Yellow Scarf). He is clever but indifferent, later on he became part of the comrades after the big escape.

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2. Newest oc, Murakami Ruka my oc! Lazy and cheeky, she’s a telepath!

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9. My weirdest OC, uhhh. I've had a history of lolrandom ocs in the past, but idk if I really want to count those bc they're out of commission.

Maybe Ber? He grew up mostly alone in the desert, and has telepathy, so.... He's got some quirks.

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9) Weirdest OC
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I have a small pirate rabbit named Rocketfish who communicates telepathically and deals justice on the water in swfit bouts? She's pretty wild.

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Das Venusjahr 2018 bringt Liebe, Sinnesfreude und Delphine 🐬 Damit ihr wisst was sonst noch so abgeht, hab ich die genauen Zukunftsprognosen für das kommende Jahr über meine 50k-Leitung gechannelt und sende euch die über die nächsten Wochen telepathische direkt auf eure Telefone

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I thought I lost this old doodle of the telepathy club.. well... I FOUND IT

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2018’s going to be about New York City, telepaths, and my newfound love of bright colors ✨

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This is Raspberry. She communicates through telepathy. She is super sassy and sarcastic but if someone needs a cuddle after a bad day she is there for them

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Telepathy 1995 40” X 30” oil on canvas     

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Tubby Tickles!
He likes to airlift animals to safety with his magic balloons, as well as accidentally terrify children with his cuddly 6’7” stature.

He speaks telepathically, but sometimes he will gently Moo.

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