У меня больше нет нервов я конечно обещала себе рисовать что-то осмысленное и крутое, но сейчас я пытаюсь успокаиваться простенькими рисуночками 😗✌️
Люблю хк квест и куроО тетсурО

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Another piece for the Kuroyaku AU I'm doing with Yaku is an over the top royal brat and Kuroo is his knight hehe

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fuck it kuroo wearing an outfit i wanna own

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I also love anime! My favorite anime is haikyuu and I'm a ✨S I M P✨ for Kuroo tetsurou😳 let me know if you have any other questions! I hope you have a very good day and happy halloween!🍬🎃

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It's impossible to NOT like this character even tho being a total asshole 😂

Tsukishima Kei from Haikyuu 😍

Art by me

Hope u like it !

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I’d be his personal blood bag , no hesitation ❤️🦇

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epic .. but kuroo gave me the inspiration to draw this. . 😶😳
(It is the second and first time that I draw both of them together kung fu style)

but what?!

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