*hq warning spoiler ; contains m/m pair kurodai


47 330

*hq contains m/m pair kurodai

warning spoiler let's haikyu!?

emang boleh main gigit-gigit gini kur?

121 1234

Anya Melfissa 🍂
which holomem should i draw next time? vote below! 👇

190 1002

20대 쿨다 드디어 그려봤다🥰🚬

9 37

A frame cabin.
ink on paper with digital paint.

2 9

But what if Kurodai as Vane/Lancelot from Granblue 👀

1 9

Thank you for the suggestions guys ✍🏽
i have fun 🤟🏽

(Context in description) 😉 https://t.co/4jid3KqP4g

30 317