I'm trying to create a 40k narrative campaign with my roommate. For now we are trying to figure out the rules we are going to use and I've designed this map trying to do something balanced and interesting to play. I'll keep updating the progress!#Warmongers

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Trying to get hold of this guy. Can anyone help?

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just a few photos of some of my completed Endless Spells (minus some base finishing). Some of my first attempts at edge highlighting and I'm super proud of these, especially my Bad Moon 🥰

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Bit more work on my treat Custodes. but I'm really happy with how he's turned out so far.

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So I had an afternoon off and did a bit of work on my Custodes. First time trying to blend (on the sword)

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Who are those guys flanking the inquisitor? Am assassin and a psker? Today’s retro 40k art.

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Got a good bit done on the crossbows. Square. Next will be to finish them and hot the gobbies.

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Our first Warlord in the Road to Glory campaign is my own Sorren Valdir of the Swords of Dawn. He’ll be using the Master of Ambush warlord trait and Ex Tenebris (via a cp) as his relic.

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managed to get a bit of work done on these guys earlier, started base coating the remaining areas.

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Is that an ork or a genestealer? Today’s retro 40k art. I love that marble!

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“They have a cave troll!” I painted up my cave troll tonight. It needs a wash with Agrax Earthshade which I will do tomorrow night which will tie it all together. Actually really happy with how this has turned out despite my initial nervousness.

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Commission I finished last night of a ‘Kulleretari’ Destroyer of the Hounds of Surmah (a 30k AU Legion)

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Just added 🆕 'Harald Deathwolf' by Stefan Kopinski https://t.co/BOMZUA4QOw Harald Deathwolf rides to war atop his mighty Thunderwolf, Icetooth, with the howling hordes of Fenris at his back

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Look what I just found in the stash, an Inquisitor Genestealer! I don't even remember purchasing this. I wonder how much its worth.

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