Managed to get little something finished this week in between work and other stuff....

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has been amazing! I've painted 1000 pts of Gloomspite Gitz, a few hundred pts of Epic 40k, 3mm French and started Custodes

0 2

Models 62 - 65 completed from my . That completes my hobby goal of painting more models this year than last. Hopefully get a few more done before years end.

5 27

Been practicing corroded metals courtesy of youtube videos, many thanks!

832 done for . I'm looking forward to next year, never new I painted so much!

8 49

So I had an afternoon off and did a bit of work on my Custodes. First time trying to blend (on the sword)

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😂😂😂 this is why I paint at home 😂#paintingwarhammer

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💫💖🌈 Painted the first test model today for my army!!! Lemme know what you think! I’m still debating how to paint the metallic parts on these ghosts, otherwise I feel pretty happy with this colour scheme

41 247

More on my for After watching a lot of I've started drybrushing the squigs -much easier!

12 69

Nearly finished the 1st batch of squig hoppers! Really happy with them. Bases left to do

5 31