Nephilim. The offspring of angels and lesser races. While mortal, their personalities and wisdom belies the much longer lived race they descended from.

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When Musherons are killed in battle, they release magical spores that take root and grow into an offspring that has all the memories of it's "parent".

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A race of Sentient mushroom like people, the Musherons are nearly immortal. If killed in battle, their spores will create an offspring that will eventualy grow back into a full sized Musheron.

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Female variant of the mouslings. The little bow was one of my favorite touches.

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Felt like messing with some different styles and drawing my gals from the last couple of years...Malkavian, Gangrel and Tremere respectively.

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Some new spectacular art drawn by James Hayball illustrating a glimpse into our world, its hero’s and villains -

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Tokens/Sprite Sheet I've been working on. I'm open for commissions, either pixel art or illustrated/stylized!

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The Female Variant of the Minotaur. One of the 30 playable races in Loot and Glory.

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The Minotaur, a hulking race of nomadic warriors, making their home on the grassland plains. Most are soft spoken and far wiser than their beastly appearance would suggest.

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Female variant of the Arachneans. One of 30 playable races for you to play as in Loot and Glory!

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Arachneans, a once misunderstood and feared race, now live among the other races in Loot and Glory. Always excited to make a new friend!

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Female variant of the Mantid race. One of 30 playable races for you to play as and with!

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An old but goldy! 'Blood for the Blood god' Extra point for naming the Primaris chapter on the floor 😁#Warmongers

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Mantids are a quiet, reserved race that communicates telepathically. While not quick to anger, their ferocity in battle is legend.

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The Lycans... Brave and loyal warriors. May or may not enjoy belly scratches and bouncy balls.

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Female variant of the Kobolds. Only one of the 30 races to choose when playing Loot and Glory!

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Pirates of the Undead Seas will feature non-player these beautiful but deadly merpeople.

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