🚨 RUMOR: Se essa possível lista com o ator Daniel Nelson for confirmada, podemos esperar também a chegada de Goro e Reptile na lista de elenco vazada alguns meses atrás. 🚨

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🚨 URGENTE: Acaba de sair mais um ator na lista do elenco do filme reboot "#MortalKombat", com o ator Daniel Nelson interpretando o Kabal. Isso possivelmente confirma um rumor vazado à alguns meses atrás, será que ele tá vindo? 🚨

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I draw Sub Zero (Kuai Liang) From Mortal Kombat Series.
Like, Follow, Comment, Retweet.

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She is floating in formalin.
The imperfection of lines
Gradually moves around.
I have her face and her name,
Her blue sweater, almost the same.
Nobody noticed the replacement.

11 41

Она плавает в формалине,
Несовершенство линий
Движется постепенно.
У меня её лицо, её имя,
Свитер такой же синий.
Никто не заметил подмены.

9 49

櫻坂46 デビューカウントダウンライブのチケット抽選結果を確認する

0 1

Dear Furries, Scalies and generally horny people,
Why have y'all been sleeping on Onaga? I mean really?! Look at him! We've got prime video game royal daddy material here, like Bowser and Asgore, but there's hardly any porn of him!

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I made Mileena!Ryuji or Tarkatan!Ryuji. He's a good boi, he won't eat anyone. I wanted to finalize the one without lips but I got lazy. At least you can smooch him with the lips 😙

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GMT+1: 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:10, 9:10, 11:10, 13:10, 15:10, 17:10, 19:10, 21:10, 23:10.
Además esconde un easter egg seguero total: si asignamos a izquierda la letra A, arriba a B y derecha a C, tenemos ABACABB, el código de sangre del de

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