Uf Les dije que la única razón por la cual vi este manga es Nanashima? y este Spinoff me a alegrado toda la vida!!!! así que le di color a esta bella pagina espero les guste!! y ojala pueda ver mas de ellos dos 😍

Gracias Junko <3

7 33

Happy Birthday, Nanashima Aoi !

28 92

お題消化 艦これ 陽炎


189 375

"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!
I just want to cry...
(todo el dia, toda la noche en forma fetal dentro de la regadera😭)

11 47

In the lead up Toshinori Yagi’s B-Day, Izuku and Gran Torino planned out a celebration for him in secret. After his work in UA, Izuku called him to come in to Torino place….

76 186

ただいまKLASSE14様の時計をクーポンコード【nanashi】でご購入頂くと、12%offになるそうです( ´ω` )

(自分がつけているモデルは、VOLARE DARK ROSEの42mmです。)

52 633

A fan art I made for my favorite character from the movie 😍 I really love his red hair even if he try to hide it 😊 it doesn't make him looks wierd at all! actually for me I think it makes him special 😄

0 5

Rock Lee ロック・リ and TenTen テンテン - Shangai 上海 special clothing.

LeeTen リーテン art posted with permission of the artist: Nanashima15

4 20

Fanart of the new Nanashi song, 世余威ノ宵, I love it! Please go check it out if you haven't heard it: https://t.co/da22b8zAGK

8 71

お題消化 艦これ 瑞鳳



100 175

遊戯王タッグフォース シーサイド村本


10 29

東方 菫子

>パンツを脱いでる東方深秘録の宇佐見菫子をおねがいします https://t.co/hECZMwshcQ

24 39

A Late present from the All Might ask blog who's making me happy and laugh every time they post ❤️✨✨

37 74

野郎フェス2018のお品書きです。「A07 NANASHI」にでお待ちしております!

6 29