King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella, 1988. Sierra On-Line.

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Waiting for Götterdämmerung - 27th May 2020

"Sigurd and Brynhild plight their troth, amid great joy, although of her wisdom she foresees that great perils beset Sigurd’s path."

Art Src:

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Unexpected perils of a super soft princess bed

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来月発売のスター・ウォーズ小説Queen's Perilの抜粋が読めるよ!

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Arriba l'esperat desenllaç! L'Eiden no deixa de tenir malsons i les sirenes corren cada vegada més perill. El que semblaven unes tranquil•les vacances d'estiu estan a punt de convertir-se en un mar de problemes. Se'n sortirà finalment la Diana? 🧜‍♀️

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Beware Crusader, you enter the Citadel at your own peril 💀😨


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Mock-up of "Sparkling Zone" (or what I hope to call "Perilous Parlor Zone") for 's very own project!

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"...old king Uriens called upon giants to sunder the land, drawing it away from the rest of the Perilous Land." Sunder-tastic chasms and bridges - I think I have it worked out on map now.

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And to just, kinda close off the recent Fanart sketches, heres a Hanneman, in peril

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✨🌙Lunars Peril🌙✨

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“Andrea Arnold conjures a world that exists in a perpetual magic hour, that perilously brief pre-sunset window coveted by filmmakers for the swooning haze it lends any image.”

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+ Speedpaint

Se me olvidó dibujarle la perilla ;A; me mato

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Read the first book in The Last Dynasty of the Guardians. It reminds you of all the fun scifi and adventure of the 80's with a new flare.

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is dead. Read the first book in The Last Dynasty of the Guardians. It reminds you of all the fun scifi and adventure of the 80's with a new flare.

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One of the many things I like about Davey Law’s strips in The Beano and the Topper comics is the way he drew animals. Here are a few panels from Beryl the Peril from the Topper No. 172 (May 19th, 1956):

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King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella, 1988. Sierra On-Line.

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Rilis terbaru dari shirohyde ttg gimana si berempati menjadi satwa liar yg harusnya idup bebas di alam, eh malah ditangkap ma dipiara orang.kita buat storyline kaku, ama doi dibengkokin jadi keren dengan bawa persona introvert yg mirip2 ama perilaku satwa tersebut

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