Wild Arms 2 was out today in 1999. A steampunk JRPG, a group known as ARMS fights against the terrorist group Odessa

48 69

Faster than Usain Bolt and deadlier than a B52!

0 1

the are the within. please retweet
, they are supporters of

223 175

How to Recognize Signs of Terrorist Activities

35 70

Horror and grief after terrorist attack in Nice

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I can't stop the terrorists, but I can be
their antithesis.
Countering destruction with creations.

16 26

My humble support to the friends and familys of the 50 victims of the terrorist´s attack. In USA - RIP-

0 1

divide Iraq, Syria etc to weaken them for israel, US has done much for the little terrorist state, israel. Wake up.

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Shinobu x Miyagi 🐼💛

13 28

geen terroristengrappen met carnaval dit jaar, dus nu snel nog eentje.. https://t.co/Tk4fupWfRp

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Yoh Miyagi & Shinobu Takatsuki

Asahina Kaoru & Isaka Ryūichirō

9 20

Bombing civilians CREATES terrorists. https://t.co/XzMMEaKDAr

2 0

I can't stop the terrorists, but I can be
their antithesis.
Countering destruction with creations.

9 13