From October. This was the first full background I had done in a long time, and I've since done a LOT more of them. Joining the Esk ARPG has been a really good thing for me. The prompts are fun and challenging, and have helped me improve in areas I was weak in.

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my character faerie for a dino arpg my friend is making :D

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Final Character Illustration of VAL
commission for a deviantArt user. She is inspired from mongolian and kazahk people and it was so blessful to work on her design

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This weeks Carnival of Life Entry for the Kukuri ARPG!

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//I need to upload stuff here so...have some ARPG rolls I did for dA. I honestly really liked them...most of them, that last one was lazy.

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だからってわけでもないけど、来年PS4で出る吸血鬼ARPG『CODE VEIN』はちょっと注目してます。キャラクリできるそうなんできっとモヒカン主人公も作れるよ!

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聖剣伝説2リスペクトのフリゲARPG『私が魔王になる!』公開 ほか ~今週のフリゲ・インディーゲームトピックス - もぐらゲームス

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Vous avez demandé de l'ARPG? Non?
En voila quand même<3
Derniere partie de l'entrainement de mon perso Geir

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VC等のDLでMWコレクションとして配信してるから そこそこ有名?

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Arpg training o/
Désolée pour le spam de vayrons XD promis j'ai autre chose à venir

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Et l'ARPG continue~

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L'arpg, c'est fun x)

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Ça faisait longtemps ! Et un petit décor pour changer ^^
Je me suis mise à l'ARPG sur deviantart o/

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