New artwork for sale! - "Bhangra Dancers Punjab" -

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Yagu Munenori (Saber) and Angra Mainyu (Avenger)
IDK about the first, since I"m not in that spot in NA, but a lot of people like him. And Angra...

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New artwork for sale! - "Punjabi couple Bhangra dancers " -

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Abro Youtube, y lo primero que me sale es un AMV de Stardust Crusaders. Lo peor es que, en la miniatura salía Vanilla Ice con la frente sangrando y una mirada que me perturbó un cojón.

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アクセス第2位:元ANGRAのヴォーカリスト Andre Matosが逝去

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He's finally done - Hellfire Strix (or alt name "Incubus")
He was supposed to be called "Angra Mainyu" but in the end I've changed it
PS. Yes, those are bunny ears on the cape

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É com muita tristeza que o Queen Online Brasil lamenta a morte do vocalista André Mattos ( Viper/Angra/Shaman).

André foi uma referência no Brasil e no mundo. Entre suas influências, o Queen era uma das maiores.

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Carry Onはじめ、彼が遺した名曲はこれからも語り継がれていくことでしょう。どうか安らかに。

Legendary metal singer Andre Matos, may his soul rest in peace...

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Fica aqui a nossa homenagem a grande lenda e expoente da música brasileira, André Matos. Elderane encontrou sua paz. // Art by .franziska

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Working on building our spatial sense in Gr. 2 using Tangrams.

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One of the most influential economists & thinkers of the 20th century, he was often at Charleston. This 1917 portrait of Keynes by shows him sitting in the garden and drafting a telegram to ask for a war loan from the American government:

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New artwork for sale! - "Punjabi couple Bhangra dancers " -

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see this commission for me. Big Bear vs Tia Langray *-*

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Crise de ansiedade é tenso, arranhei meu rosto até sangrar... tá ardendo agora

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We’re very pleased to welcome incredible animator, Renee Zhan, to the Tangram fam! Her film, 'Reneepoptosis', won the 2019 Jury Award for Animated Short at . We’re excited to explore intersections between music and animation together!

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