She had travelled to the mysterious east to help a friend deal with an unknown threat that had stalked her back home but she had not only found a home here but a sympathetic bound with the spirits and magic of this land. Now she had the skill to protect...

12 57

Reaching his hand back he called to the squire - & get me a proper sword a note of disgust in his voice as he looked at the wavy bladed monstrosity they had given him. Whoever invented such a thing needed to close their smithy in shame! Give him a Bastard

5 12

The battle had been won, the forces of evil were about to be routed when it appeared, the dragon. Where they had been full of fear and about to run we were now in that position and they full of courage. Thankfully thats when the heroes arrived, the band

4 18

They stood before the gates to Hell the armour and blade flowed from them a living metal of magic and might. Steel around a heart of justice and right. They would face the monsters of Hell, they had defeated demons of their own to be themselves so devils..

6 27

It was more than a pale horse she rode in on and while she was not death, it flew on the tips of her arrows as each found their mark. Legends of the Dark Champion Elvixtra were clearly understated or so those who survived that day believed after seeing the

4 28