画質 高画質


387 2052

I understand that this is by no means canon but all my gentleness was given to them🌹🍄

1 15

はちゃめちゃ遅刻だけど月逐い祭最高の最高でしたありがとう……😂👏👏👏推しの刻晴ちゃんは終始かわいいし香菱ちゃんもグゥオパァーもみんな仲良しで今までのイベントで一番大好きですEternal love…💓 

333 1082

xiangling because i have no idea what should i draw

7 14

The Moonlight Merriment was so fun and pretty but Guoba stole the show! Every cut scene he’s just bouncing around being goofy💀 so I made a quick doodle and then put it into Illustrator.

3 7

Xiangling and guoba

28 105