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Selamat pagi dari bocil-bocil Pyro🔥

Karyababu by sender

50 475

babu! cw // sus leak , crossover hi3 , leak , leak pyro archon , leaks

katanya pyro archon lebih mirip ini karakter daripada himeko dan modelnya medium female 🤔 masih STC ya..

sumber : genshinmeong

5 114

fuck the leaks this is my pyro archon

1636 10938

babu! nama vision: pyro
spesialis: cowo green flag dengan kelakuan gentleman nya itu

243 1219


characters who have pyro vision are either green flag characters or morally grey characters

28 244

babu! cw // crossover tears of themis

mereka kalo pindah universe jadi punya vision menurut sender:

luke: geo
artem: pyro
vyn: dendro
marius: electro

9 51

hellaaur, my soon-to-be kawanbabu :3 aku lagi ada misi nih nyari temen sebanyak-banyaknya, so aku minta tolong, dong, jadi temen aku, yaaa? nanti kalau misinya udah completed, nanti kita bagi hasil. fyi kalau kamu kepo, aku ar 57 with yanfei—my lovely pyro queen—as (cont..)

0 2

tehe! mending yoimiya/diluc? sender cm punya dps pyro klee, ada diluc tapi belum kebuild bener. menurut kalian mending lanjut ngebuild diluc atau ngepull yoimiya aja? soalnya sender juga punya thundering pulse nganggur. trimsss

0 7

hellooooo, soon-to-be kawanbabu ^___^ it feels like a perfect night to make friends, don't you think? 🧐 fyi, aku ar 57 as a proud yanfei—MY LOVELY PYRO QUEEN—main. i also hype the lesbianism of genshin impact tee-hee :p if you don't mind, i also hype another game (cont..)

0 12

Sender mobile player susah buat nge aim tapi kepengen pull antara dua cowok ini, sender blom punya dps pyro hydro juga sih..

Jadi mending pull childe atau lyney yaa tehe!

0 7

you heard of 5WIRL now get ready for FIR3

The moment the pyro boys became a trio it's joever for me, i love trio idol groups too much
bennett lyney and gaming

1967 8918

Hello HoYoVerse, please give us pyro lawachurls in Teyvat. The one that has a very thick shield, rapid movement, and high pyro DMG. 🥰🔥❤️‍🔥


35 667

Babu! splash art archon makin kesini makin gede aja anjir😃 btw archon pyro nanti apa yaa archon of atk apa archon of critical?

303 3317

Tehe! Coba kalian yang pull Furina, Furina kalian archon apa guys?

Punya sender archon pyro jiakhh 😎

0 2

tehe! floor 11 skrg ngapa dikombo pyro slime + whopperflower yg ganas :( klo gini mending deketin whopperflower apa pyro slimenya ya

0 1


17 257

I had a feeling I'd have lots of Pyro with this chaotic combination I live with 🔥

Hu Tao and Amber besties 🥹🫶 https://t.co/Ki91STQJDO

0 4

Tehe! Cara showcase karakter pyro dengan teamcomp pyro-mona ttds-bennet-kazuha yg benar gimana ya? Gw sering buat tapi ga fapo/elemen reaction, pict pemanis

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