8 July 1598: Robert Fludd future doctor, writer, graduates MA from St. John's College (BM)

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【グラブル】ぐらぶるっ!1598話 ニーアと七夕が悲しいデス https://t.co/2pCO3NjrNS

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The youth received a humanist education & was a clever teenager. At 14 he started his art apprenticeship. In 1598 he entered the Guild of St Luke as an independent artist. Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doris (1606), Giancarlo Doris (c1606) & Lamentation (c1605)

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Vanitas Still Life with the Spinario (details), 1628, by Pieter Claesz (Dutch, 1598-1660)

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St. Paul, El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos), 1598–1600 https://t.co/FlC80rxGed

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11 June 1598: Hugh Peter[s] independent preacher, baptised at Fowey Much-satirised as right-hand preacher of Cromwell &c. I have put three satirical prints and one 'vera effigies' print here (BM/NPG) Take your pick.

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Hidden Twin
Nero1598 is my hidden twin 😱
Find out who is yours!
via https://t.co/RQZfNxLfcl

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Secret Crush
Nero1598 secretly loves you! 😳
Who loves you in secret?
via https://t.co/l2N6AqPeTN

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Secret Crush
Nero1598 secretly loves you! 😳
Who loves you in secret?
via https://t.co/MeEjQzb9k8

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The episode where 'One of Lord Servant overhears a Washerman quarreling with his Wife', leading to trial of
A folio from 1598 (#Ramayan).
By artist Daud, brother of an important master artist in Emperor atelier.

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OTD 1598 Geffrey Fenton calls to block shipments of arms to Tyrone from Scotland 'great quantities of powder and other provisions for him and O'Donnell...considering the King's former favourable dealings with Tyrone, cannot but think the King is a secret supporter'

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アンニーバレ・カラッチ『キリストの嘲弄』1598-1600年 ボローニャ絵画館

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Francisco de Zurbarán (November 7, 1598 – August 27, 1664) was a Spanish painter.Still-lif with Lemons Oranges and Rose

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Claude Mellan, 1598-1688

The three Graces, holding a blank medallion and a drapery; frontispiece to de Vias’s ‘Charitum libri tres’ (Paris: Edmond Martin, 1660); before portrait in medallion, and before letter, 1659, engraving

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誕生(1771、蒸気機関車発明)、#間宮林蔵 没(1844・太陽暦換算、探検家)、#ステパン・マカロフ中将 戦死(1904、#日露戦争、提督、#戦艦ペトロパブロフスク 爆沈)、つづく

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