John Gerrard Keulemans was born in 1842. He provided many illustrations for ZSL's Proceedings and Transactions, now continued at . These are a few examples of his original art works in our

13 50

Meeting of a fishermen on coast of the bay of Naples, 1842

0 1


154 680

Cyber Juks is battling to juks with a mystery cybernejuks implant that threatens to overjuks his body with juksonality of an ancientjuks.

His companion, a juksdragon is the only thing that keeps him in-juks during his epic juksrney. Will he juks it?

!JUKS be continued…

0 3

Cyberjuks is battling to juks with a mystery cybernejuks implant that threatens to overjuks his body with juksonality of an ancient juks.

His companion, a juksdragon is the only thing that keeps him in-juks during his epic juksrney. Will he juks it?

!JUKS be continued…

2 6


61 391

"Moonlight on the Coast at Steigen" (1842) by Peder Balke

92 440

🐸 North American herpetology:
Philadelphia, J. Dobson;1842.

4 26


Camposanto a Venezia, esposto nel 1842

olio su tela

36 81

Works by versatile, prolific William Blake Richmond (1842-1921) for Venus & Anchises (1890 Walker Art Gall), William Morris (1880s NPG), Charity (1910, Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Sq) plus a sumptuous example of aesthetic dress with Mrs Luke Ionides (1879, V&A)

16 48

Enjoying the Evening Cool at Ryôgoku Bridge, by Utagawa Hiroshige, 1839-1842

8 82

"Mid-Channel" by Thomas Somerscales (1842-1927)

1 6

🦋 Plantæ utiliores: .
London: Whittaker & Co., 1842-1850.

2 11

In 1842, Edward Anthony opened his ‘Daguerreotype’ gallery in New York and shortly thereafter Henry came aboard.

Henry T. Anthony (1814-1884)
Edward Anthony (1819-1888)

0 1

ぼっちゃんとメイドの1842 一カラ※女装

163 801

Latte matsu💜💙(学生一カラ 1842)

152 854

1842 침 발라놓기

41 201