Lilies & a Lute: continuing our mini-series on Nazarene painter Wilhelm von Schadow for This week- a celestial calling with 'Mignon' (1828). We also recommend 'The Nazarenes: Romantic Avant-Garde & the Art of the Concept' by Cordula Grewe (2015) to learn more.

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Elementary My Dear Waterhouse: paintings featuring air, fire, water and earth: 'Boreas' (1903), 'The Magic Circle (1886), 'A Mermaid' (1900) & 'Gather Ye Rosebuds' (1909) all by John William Waterhouse for this week's

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Works by versatile, prolific William Blake Richmond (1842-1921) for Venus & Anchises (1890 Walker Art Gall), William Morris (1880s NPG), Charity (1910, Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Sq) plus a sumptuous example of aesthetic dress with Mrs Luke Ionides (1879, V&A)

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Midweek Marble Musings: escapism to classical climes & dolce far niente: the paintings of John William Godward (1861-1922) for this week's He committed suicide at 61 with a note that apparently read "the world is not big enough for [both] myself and a Picasso"

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Striking Strigiformes! Continuing on from Monday's owl theme, here are some stunning designs by William de Morgan for this week's

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