
Kind of bummed Luna's last episode "The Lowest Viewed Episode of TLH" I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hope that doesn't mean another extremely long dry spell of No Luna Episodes

9 53


Well.... no thunderstorms... but 3 out of 4 isn't bad. I hope you guys have a great day

8 49

In "Saving Face" and "Don't Zoo That" We see how Sid and Adelaide ended up disheveled by a strong wind current
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I wonder if, when a heat wave happens, is super excited for a potential thunderstorm that breaks it when it's done? I LOVE THUNDERSTORMS!!

4 28


Good Morning everyone I hope you have a great week. I wonder if it's weird that i spent at least 10 hours yesterday drawing Luna

12 63

Just like in "Uptown Funk" , in "The Sound of Meddle" Carl lied to Alexis to get what he wants
That's what I don't like about Carl's attitude , that he lies for his own benefit
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11 67

In "Croaked!" and "Bunstoppable" Sid and Adelaide proved that they are very strong
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17 83

Sid and Adelaide chang. The Chang sisters from the casagrandes.

2 10

Adelaide teaches him Karate to sid
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I will leave you a link to see the image that was inspired

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It's going to be real hard to avoid spoiler screenshots from the new Luna episode. I am excited for it too I just want to be surprised when I watch it on Friday

10 49


I am going to try my best to avoid seeing spoiler footage/screen shots of Lunas next episode...

7 32

A Adelaide Chang le gustan las pasitas y la pizza con piña 🍕🍍
Le gusta vivir un estilo de vida saludable la felicito 👍
Conclusión: A mí no me gustan ninguna de esas cosas 🤢

5 23


Something happened last night that reminded me of the time I injured myself in a stupid way but since that happened a lot that doesn't really surprise me

13 60


Something I never understood was WHY people thought some asshole "perfectionist" director who abused his actors helped "fake the moon landing"

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