The cool and the nerves - Yeah kinda messed up, mostly at time. Liam and Zach teamed up (picked an girl) when gotten problem anything but these two.

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Luna the Award Winner - Recently, I'm watched 2022 VMAs lto inspired drawing this. Sorry for Luna's shirt calling "F MTV", so please don't judge me, hehehe...

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The Luan's Podcast - I'm sorry to drawing too fast (almost 45 munites), finally Luan and Benny got their own podcast while still student.

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Leni the Influencer Model - Yeah, she becoming well-known fashion designer and influencer model... Beside she still very naïve and quite ditzy even at age late-20s.

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Adult Lynn Jr. and Luna - During art break to focus Ronniecoln Week, I'm drawing this for took young adult older sisters. 24-year Lynn Jr. and 16-year Luna.

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