Saw these guys in Sept.. Tried here to capture their amazing sound and energy

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What sound do make? mohhhhhhhhhwohhhhhhyiohhhmowohhhhh!
Okay, I'm killing time waiting for the day to begin

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{ } Great Highland Bagpipe
Scotch bagpipes.
instrument pictures

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Finished my painting which will be off in zip time to the printers to make into prints.

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I happen to like the sound of the I marry a Scotsman next year so it's just as well.

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One of my most popular art prints

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Bagpipes painted in a way which expresses sound as well as colour

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At last a new piper print to add to my etsy shop where I have tried to capture sound with paint

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[ ] Great Highland Bagpipes.


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[ ] Gaida (Gajda).

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[ ] biniou.

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Bumble Bee + Bagpipes | Words via

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