i have adapted my entire being around him... 😔
i am only 50% ashamed, mm

how do you tag, i'm new to twitter

6 19

Today, this little mummy turns 25(hundred) years old

I'm proud of myself for using Twitter much less & hope to keep doing so down the line

That said, I do genuinely enjoy and am grateful for your interactions with me, it really means a lot

4 28

i've been thinking about this tumblr post for three days straight

80 370

The more you are motivated by love,
the more fearless
and free your action will be.
Dalai Lama

& by

17 33

Masks, I continued to wear a mask in crowded places. It is expected to be a bad Covid and Flu season this year, bare this in mind and protect yourselves and others. Stay safe.

8 53