
場所 ビー玉と空。2nd 様(大阪)

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本日12月17日10時より<『Light house』『cocoon』DVD/Blu-ray製作プロジェクト>ということで、マームとジプシー初のクラウドファンディングが始まりました。遠くまで、もしかしたらずっと未来まで、この作品が届いてほしいとおもい、上演の記録を残そうと準備しています。


28 67

~ the cocoon 🐛 // rlly not the most difficult design for a pokemon, but I’m omw finding my art style and i think this was a good little practise for testing out color and lighting techniques! Had fun with lots of 💚✨green✨💚 (my fav!)

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It is -9 outside and my room is so cold I’m trying to make a cocoon out of my duvet and a blanket. Have a Caiuajara. Send more blankets.

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『Light house』Return

◉先行販売プラン ¥5,500
◉プラン① ¥15,000
◉プラン② ¥30,000


◉先行販売プラン ¥5,500
◉プラン① ¥15,000
◉プラン② ¥35,000

『Light house』『cocoon』Return

◉コンプリートプラン ¥100,000


3 8

2022年に発表した「Light house」と「cocoon」の2作品のDVD/Blu-ray化に向けてクラウドファンディングを実施中です。今日マチ子さん(漫画家/「cocoon」原作者)からコメントが届きました。

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♪ Listening Now ♪ Luck Will Be There / Cocoon for the Golden Future by Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

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Commission - oc Guinevere cocooned🕸️

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When i saw that substitute, my first idea was a bug (yes that's a pun) making it's cocoon inside a doll and i just went for it.
I think it's really cute and I really need to hug one.


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«butterfly, from a cocoon...» 🦋

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We have new artworks to celebrate Xmas.
And Cocoon is coming. Bu-Bo…Bo…Bo…

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"Can retreat into a cocoon and heal himself"??

Motherfucker acting like owning a sleeping bag and wasting a whole Wednesday going sloth mode is a superpower. 🤣

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This Moreaux guy is getting kinda weak. He used to post really crazy, gross stuff. OK. How about your Lord and Master, Elon, as he arises each morning from his blood cocoon?

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Cocoon for the Golden Future
Release Tour 2022-2023

2022.12.06 柏パルーザ



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Cocoon for the Golden Future
Release Tour 2022-2023




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You are one step closer to your metamorphosis we are waiting for the day you extrude yourself from your flesh cocoon and spread your bone wings and leave behind the image of your meat pupa and embrace your new ethereal form. But for now we slowly march forward in waiting

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